Monday, February 27, 2012

Travis Pastrana

Okay So I had a friend ask if I’d draw him a
famous dirt bike rider, Travis Pastrana I don’t know much  about  him, but I did find another blog that has a blog about Travis, and so anything I would like to know is there.  But let’s get started on drawing!
1.   Get The Pencil and paper, and the picture you need!
(The Three “P’s”!)
2.   Draw the outline figure of his head and hair, nose eyes and mouth.
3.   Outline the rest of the figure.
4.    Make sure you have and exact facial outline, you want it to really look like the person your drawing!
5.   Start to make detail in the eyes and nose, you want them realistic, REMEMBER!
6.    Continue to lightly shade the places it’s darker in the picture, whether it’s the shadows under the nose, side of the face, under the eyes, ect.
7.   Continue to add detail, hair, mouth; you can start on outfit if you want.
8.   Start Shading
9.   Darken the lightly shaded parts in the picture, then the parts you think need it, the hair, arms, the outfits, ect.
10.         Add the finishing touches that may vary to you, make sure you spray hairspray on it so it doesn’t smear. And you should be good!

Thank you!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tyler Posey ( Teen Wolf Scott McCall )

Today I’m doing a drawing of Tyler Posey! He is the teenage wolf from Teen Wolf the new TV show. And one of my favorites of all time! Teen Wolf is a TV show about Scott McCall getting bit by a werewolf after trying to find his inhaler out in the woods. Him and his best friend Stiles try to deal with all the crazy new things happening to Scott, like Derek, the Alfa, the full moon, and All the teenage drama that comes with it. I found this photo of him on his Facebook page, but I’m sure you can find all sorts of pictures of him and the cast on Teen Wolf. Now Let’s Get Started!
But let’s get started!
1.   Get The Pencil and paper, and the picture you need!
(The Three “P’s”!)
2.   Draw the outline figure of his head and hair, nose eyes and mouth.
3.   Outline the rest of the figure.
4.    Make sure you have and exact facial outline, you want it to really look like the person your drawing!
5.   Start to make detail in the eyes and nose, you want them realistic, REMEMBER!
6.    Continue to lightly shade the places it’s darker in the picture, whether it’s the shadows under the nose, side of the face, under the eyes, ect.
7.   Continue to add detail, hair, mouth; you can start on outfit if you want.
8.   Start Shading
9.   Darken the lightly shaded parts in the picture, then the parts you think need it, the hair, arms, the outfits, ect.
10.         Add the finishing touches that may vary to you, make sure you spray hairspray on it so it doesn’t smear. And you should be good!

Thank you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Justin Bieber Drawing

This drawing of Justin Bieber was drawn for my friend Dana. This drawing took me about 40 minutes or less. Because I didn’t fully finish it and shade and stuff. I used just a regular mechanical pencil.  This Picture of Justin is off of; was helpful so thank you for posting that picture. is also the place to find the news about celebs, so check that out.  Now, I’m going to explain the steps I used to draw Justin.
1.       I got out my sketchbook, pencil, eraser, and found the picture I needed to look at.
2.       Started out by his hair, (I think it’s the easiest) then added the outline of the face.
3.       Add the shape of the eyes, nose, and mouth.
4.       (Make Sure you start to have the whole object that you’re drawing now outlined, so you can add the details.)
5.       Did the details in his hair by just lines that look like how his hair was flipped.
6.       Details in the eyes, (hard part) because you always want the eyes to look realistic.
7.       Add a little shade in the nose and mouth to show facial features.
8.       Then shading around the face or eyes to show realistic touch.
9.       If you want a finished project. (This is not) you want to take a shading pencil, and darken those spots you shaded with your regular pencil. Then with your finger or Kleenex, rub the shaded parts.
10.   Lightly spray the paper with hair spray, to make sure no smears on the paper will be made.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Patriotic Eagle

Today I did an eagle, it was just an eagle at first but then I added the flag. The point of this, or the reason I drew this, was for an art contest based on patriotic.  And this is what I came up with. An eagle with a flag behind it and the flag is supposed to look like its moving in the wind, and so I tried to make the picture have an affect like that on it. I added a lot of my own touches and my own design for the arrangements of the eagle and flag. When you do something like this, finishing touches are the number one thing you need to keep in mind; shading was especially the most important part in this. But let’s get started on how to draw!

1.          Start with getting your pencil, paper, and the picture of who/what you’re drawing. The three P’s, as what I call it.
2.        Draw the outline of the shape/ figure of what you’re drawing. (You don’t need to do it exactly what the picture is like that your using, put your own creative part in the drawing.)
3.         Outline the whole thing make sure the whole body of what you are drawing is made out on the paper.
4.        Add the eyes, mouth, or in this case beak, and start with the feather shape on the eagle.
5.        Start adding more exact detail in the eagle’s eye, and feathers.
6.         Add the background, the flag, to make it look like its waving in the wind, add shading.
7.        Now start adding the marks in the beak, eyes, feathers, so it’s realistic.
8.        Make sure it’s looking real, you want the eagle to look real, the eyes, and feather is most important.
9.        Continue shading the flag, the eagle feathers, eyes, the beak, everywhere in the picture to make it look real, and alive!
10.   When done with everything, spray it with hairspray so nothing smears on the picture, then you’re done!
