Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Uncle's Puppy, Blaise

Okay, Today I’m posting the drawing I did for Christmas for my uncle Eric. He had just got a puppy, Braque Français Pointer, and his name is Blaise. This puppy is so darn cute, but also a HUGE trouble maker, like most puppies, and also like most puppies he usually doesn’t get yelled at. I hope you like it! But let’s get started!
1.  Get your pencil, paper, and the picture of the person, or animal, or thing you’re going to draw. Or what I call, (the Three P’s ! )
2.  Then start on the outline on the animals head, or figure, and work down to the whole body if it’s a portrait or full body image.
3.   Make sure the outline of the figure is exact; you want the animal to look exact. As much as possible.
4.   Start the outline in the eyes, nose, ears, ect. Make sure they are all close as possible, and realistic!
5.    Start to lightly shade your spots of the picture that has shadows, or darker spots. It makes a difference!
6.   Start adding fur on the animal; you want to make sure if the animal has spots, you draw them too.
7.   Add the detail to more exact level; you want the fur to look like fur, not like skin.
8.   Start darkening the lightly shading on the drawing.
9.  Add the extra accessories like collars or ect. And make sure if that also has dark spots do shading, add the detail, ect.
10.                   Then finish off with hairspray on the picture, so your shading doesn’t smear. Then you’re done!


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